Thursday, 25 January 2018

6 Things To Know Before Jumping Into Beard Transplant Surgery

A beard transplant is a simplified painless procedure that acts as a wonder in getting thick hairs. It is now entirely booming mainly amongst many stars. The number of this cosmetic procedure is getting doubled every year.

What is Beard Transplant?

It involves transplanting the individual follicles taken from the back of the head right into the bald areas at the right thickness and angle. In fact, it’s a simple process with less downtime, and the hair follicles get eliminated in the strip. After their procedure gets finished, the beard hair should begin to grow immediately, and the patient mainly needs to save the hairs just after two weeks of transplantation.

Beard Transplant cost

You might be thinking how much does a beard transplant cost? This surgery is now cheap, and the average price ranges from £3,000 to £7,000. So, how much it cost will depend on how much follicles get implanted or in what area you have done this.

6 Things to Know before having a Beard Transplant

1. Customizable Beard

Similar to the haircut, you can always get the beard as you ever desired.

2. No Future Hair Loss

You have fewer donor hairs, so there is minimal hair loss in future. Although, the transplanted hairs might fall out after every two weeks, and you don't have to feel concern as they immediately grow back after three months.

3. Boost your confidence

The outcome of the beard transplant helps to boost your confidence and cover all the scars, blemishes on the chin. It also makes you more attractive and sexy.

4. Similar to facial hair

Yes, it is hard to find a suitable match of your beard, and after the transplant, the hairs will grow like your facial hairs with same texture and features because your surgeon will ensure the extracted hair that exactly matches your facial hair.

5. Not just beards

Face transplant doesn't mean that only the beard is involved. But you can use it to get a mustache, goatee or sideburns, etc.

6. Takes more time

It takes about 2 to 5 hours for the complete process which depend on the areas covered and the density you want.

If you’re looking for the reliable beard transplant London clinic, then get started at 'Rejuvenate Hair Clinics.' We have the talented team of world's best surgeons that use top-notch hair restoration procedures which helps you to get a fuller beard. Our agency is praised widely by the clients worldwide as our beard transplant UK cost is highly affordable.

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