Biofibre Hair Transplant is an artificial fiber which is used to replace hair in an individual, who Is bald and has poor donor area. It is usually used only in limited cases where there is complete baldness and where there is no donor area. In this transplant artificial fiber is used, there is always a chance of infection so this is carried out in the rare cases only. If you have donor's hairs then hair transplant is easy and less dangerous but it can be dangerous when there is no donor's hair.
The hair which is transplanted in this technique are permanent they do not fall and grow like normal hairs grow. You can this transplanted hair as your choice. You can shampoo them and cam comb as well. In this technique, the operation is done on out basis and the patient can go immediately to home. Biofibre hair transplant London is amazingly good.
If we talk about the hair implant it is a minor surgical procedure that all types of hair loss. The procedure begins with the application of a local anesthetic. We then take artificial hair that is biologically compatible with your natural hair of your head.
There is a great level of flexibility with the Biofibre treatment, as the patient can choose as many or as few implants as they like for varying of thickness. This makes the process suitable for a person suffering from pattern baldness who wish to increase the thickness of their hair.
We provide excellent services with best experts. The process is completely safe with a bio-fiber test spot carried out in advance of treatment to ensure full compatibility. In some instances, antibiotics may be used to maintain optimum safety levels. Biofibre hair transplant London is efficient from any other countries.
Transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hairs are removed from the donor site and implanting them in the balding area of your scalp, which is known as the “recipient site.”
If you do not have donor site then it can cause following side effects
Bleeding: Although rare, persistent bleeding is a possible side effect of the hair transplantation procedure. In this procedure, a little bit of bleeding is expected but if it is more then, it can be cured through extra stitching.
Infection: Infection from a hair transparent is rarely possible thankfully; this can be easily avoided with the use of antibiotics.
Itching: This is common side effect experienced by the patient after getting a hair transplant. This site effect may sometimes become harmful when not treated properly. Itching is another side effect, and the shampooing your hairs can cure it.
Hiccups: This is the common side-effect of hair transplant surgeries. 5 in 100paitients are affected by hiccups can last from several hours’ days. This side effect is seen in hair transplant patients more often than it Is seen in scalp reduction patients.
Pain: Pain is a common side-effect of the hair transplant procedure. This is paint is curable through simple painkillers. It starts sooth automatically when your scalp starts healing.
Swelling: While it is rare it can affect your forehead and the area surrounding your eyes. The swelling can last up to two days and in some cases, it can cause a black eye to developing.
Rejuvenate hair clinics provide Biofibre hair transplant London we provide safer, efficient and high achieving hair restoration procedures. we also provides other transplants like Eyebrow transplant etc. If you want to know more about our services then feel free to contact us.